The artist and her work

The artist and her paintings

Me & my paintings

My Art is painting with my Inner Truth. Always following what is happening inside me, as a reflection of my life.

My search 

 Surrender and trust!

It arises by itself; my hands know the way automatically!

The eyes see

The heart beats

Color/paint and my hands are in complete connection.


2002       Amsterdam University of the Arts
               Bachelor Fine Arts in Education  

1998       Gerrit Rietveld Academy, Amsterdam                                


May 2022&2023: Vijfhoek Kunstroute

September 2020: Oogwereld Zaandam

September-November 2019: Het vegetarisch restaurant Lelystad

18/19 May 2019: Vijfhoek Kunstroute

November 2017: Kunstlijn Haarlem

Gallery Small: < 80cm

Voor alle schilderijen  geldt dat de verkoopprijs exclusief verzendkosten, verzekeringen en invoerrechten/ belastingen voor non-EU landen is.
For all paintings: not included in the salesprice are the shipping costs, insurance and import taxes/fees for NON-EU countries. 

Heb je interesse/Interested?:  klik hier

Title: no title/1

Size: 24x30cm
Material: acryl, canvas on frame
Price: € 60,-; only during
expo € 47,-

Title: no title/2   -verkocht-

Size: 22x27cm
Material: acryl, canvas on frame
Price: € 60,-; only during
expo € 47,-

Title: no title/3

Size: 24x30cm
Material: acryl, canvas on frame
Price: € 60,-; only during
expo € 47,-

Title: no title/4

Size: 18x24cm
Material: acryl, canvas on frame
Price: € 60,-; only during
expo € 47,-

Title: no title/5

Size: 18x24cm
Material: acryl, canvas on frame
Price: € 60,-; only during
expo € 47,-

Title: no title/6

Size: 18x24cm
Material: acryl, canvas on frame
Price: € 60,-; only during
expo € 47,-

Title: no title   -verkocht-

Size: 24x30cm
Material: acryl, canvas on frame
Price: € 60,-; only during
expo € 47,-

Title: no title  -verkocht-

Size: 24x30cm
Material: acryl, canvas on frame

Title: no title   -verkocht-

Size: 24x30cm
Material: acryl, canvas on frame

Title: no title

Size: 30x40cm
Material: acryl, canvas on board, no frame
Price: € 85,-

Title: Soften your mind

Size: 30x40cm
Material: acryl, canvas on board, no frame
Price: € 85,-

Title: Happy Energy

Material: acryl, canvas without frame
Price: € 160,-


Title: Inner Child

Size: 24x30cm
Material: acryl, paper, canvas on frame
Price: € 125,-

Title: Dancing woman

Size: 24x30cm
Material: acryl, paper, canvas on frame
Price: € 125,-

Title: Out of the box

Size: 34x44cm
Material: acryl, plastic, canvas on board, with frame
Price: € 135,-

Title: There is more to life

Size: 40x50cm
Material: acryl, canvas on frame
Price: € 225,-

Title: Connect with energy

Size: 40x50cm
Material: acryl, canvas on frame
Price: € 225,-

Title: Pink

Size: 50x70cm
Material: acryl, canvas on frame

Gallery Large: 80-140cm

Title: Follow the feathers
Volg de veren

Size: 70x100cm
Material: acryl, canvas on frame
Price: € 450,-

Title: no title

Size: 70x100cm
Material: acryl, canvas on frame
Price: €  625,-

Title: Sunshine

Size: 70x 80cm
Material: acryl, paper or board, no frame
Price: € 450,-

Title: Something Red

Size: 90x120cm
Material: acryl, canvas without frame
Price: € 1.100,-


Title: White Spirit

Size: 90x120cm
Material: acryl, canvas without frame
Price: € 1.100,-

Title: Bright energy

Size: 75x115cm
Material: acryl, paper or board, no frame
Price: € 1.100,-

Title: Yellow and Pink Love

Size: 80x130cm
Material: acryl, canvas without frame
Price: € 1.200,-


Title:Magical Spirit

Size: 80x120cm
Material: acryl, canvas without frame
Price: € 1.200,-


Title: Red face

Size: 90x130cm
Material: acryl, canvas without frame
Price: € 1.200,-


Title: Wise woman

Size: 80x120cm
Material: acryl, canvas without frame
Price: € 1.150,-


Title: Radiant

Size: 90x115cm
Material: acryl, canvas on frame

Title: Innate (Eigen)

Size: 120x140cm
Material: acryl, canvas on frame